Monday, May 06, 2024

These 5 animals are trying their best but they just can’t stay aw, awa, awak….zzzzz

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1. Tired Meerkat
Dreamland is so close yet so far!

2. Little duck
He almost lets himself fall into the wonderful sleepy abyss, but instead he stays awake in the cutest way possible. Oh, and ignore the odd conversation in the background.

3. Bulldog
His footaps keep him in the world of the awake.

4. Baby Ostriches
These baby ostriches don’t even try to stay awake but it sure takes them a while to fall asleep!

5. Bear Cub
The way this baby bear cup smushes his nose while entering snoozeville is just TOO CUTE!

Source: YouTube: Jan WenzelBruno Videos, Ben Mayer, camels and friends, Andrew Bleiman