Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Proof That Bradley Cooper Is The Greatest Air Guitarist Ever

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A couple of things: Bradley Cooper is handsome (check), Bradley Cooper is a fab actor (check), Bradley Cooper turned 40 yesterday (check . . . and happy birthday), Bradley Cooper plays a MEAN air guitar (check, check, check).

Jimmy Fallon, used his celebrity-whispering skills last night to get Bradley Cooper to show us his musical talent — an admittedly dorky but endearing musical talent which is apparently air guitaring along to Neil Young’s “Down By The River.” Things got animated.

You’ve gotta adore a man who doesn’t take himself so seriously. The air guitar, the silly wig, the undeniable bro-chemistry between Bradley and Jimmy, everything about this five minutes is late night perfect. Who knew Bradley Cooper would let his nerd-flag fly so spectacularly high? And on his birthday, no less.

Source: Sundi Rose-Holt via Hello Giggles
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