Friday, September 20, 2024

Corporate America: You have an awesome hidden power you didn’t know you had.

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The key to climbing the social ladder isn’t about the work you do, no no, it’s about WHO you know and WHO has your back at the office. Like a wise man once said, “A Way to a Man’s Heart is His Stomach.” Your job, whether you choose to accept it, is to create a POWER LUNCH GROUP to help YOU move up the corporate ladder.

How are you going to do that? EASY I have a sweet and easy template that you should copy and paste to your co-workers:

Office buddies,

As we anxiously await the countdown to noon, one question remains, where? So many options, so little time to choose?. Therefore I have set up a decision tree to: a) make your lives easier, and b) help the time go by just a little bit faster. Please start with question 1 and follow your path to food enlightenment. Majority wins, if you fall off the beaten path, have fun Stephen Glansberging it by yourself.

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See it was just that easy, victory is yours! Now go enjoy your awesome Power Lunch Group!

See what you did there? You took control, eliminated any healthy options and boring people, and managed to go to a restaurant of your liking. Everyone else might feel empowered about their decision but really they’re just your mindless minions [insert evil laugh].

Power is delicious isn’t it?

Article by: Jeff Jones > twitter
Photo by Elné on Flickr