Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Perfect Fun Facts To Use In Any Moments Of Awkward Silence.

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Fun fact time!


These always give us either a short-term burst of fascination, or something to store in our mental drive of backup conversation starters in case it gets awkward at a party. Enjoy, and feel free to contribute your own in the comments!

1. Women blink twice as often as men.


Maybe it’s Maybelline!

2. If you properly shuffle a deck of cards, the resulting deck has never likely been seen before. 


The math of combinatorics with 52 cards generates almost infinite possibilities.


3. Butterflies taste with their feet. 


But can they walk on their mouths?

4. Lightning strikes earth about 8 million times a day


8 million chances for the perfect Instagram pic.

5. Turtles can breathe through their rear-ends


So can humans…yeah that was totally just me breathing.

6. The diameter of the moon is less than the distance from Los Angeles to New York


I wonder if a flight straight through the center of the moon feels as long as a LA-NY flight?

7. The Eiffel Tower gets about 6 inches (15 cm) taller in the heat of summer


No wonder it looks so good these days.

8. The average person will walk the equivalent of 4 times around the earth during his or her lifetime


Better invest in some good walking shoes!


9. A pineapple isn’t a single fruit-it’s a group of berries that have fused together


So a pina colada counts as a mixed-berry smoothie, got it.

10. The hair on a polar bear isn’t white, it’s transparent


I can almost see my reflection in it!

Article by: Elizabeth Potash > Twitter

Source: Slideshare