Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thinking Of Starting A Business? Try This Startup Name Generator!

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Nowadays, whether in the tech industry or otherwise, it feels as though every other minute we hear of the launch, sale, or merger of a startup company “that has the potential to change life as we know it” (or just an acquaintance who got a job there begging us to sign up for an account.) New company, facilitator, and app names are taking over our lingo. To have a little fun with this phenomenon, we put a few twists on some of the classic early-internet trends a la “What would your rapper/dancer/pet name be?”

Option 1:

-Take the first 3 letters of the month you were born.
-Add a vowel to the end (your favorite.)
-Add the first 3 letters of your middle/maiden name to the end (you can use your surname if you have no middle name.)

Option 2:

-Take your favorite color and spell it backwards.
-Add the first letter of your first name to the front.

Option 3:

-Take the first three letters of the country you’ve always wanted to visit.
-Add “at”.
-Add the last 4 letters of the subject you primarily studied/majored in as a student.

With a little creative/borderline pretentious pronunciation where necessary, these three end results are your three options for instant startup company names. Have a great/funny/realistic-sounding one? Feel free to share it! (Or, if you like, look it up and see if it already exists!)

Article by: Elizabeth Potash > Twitter
Image Credit: Streetwise